Hoe gezond is jouw werkomgeving?

Doe de gratis ATP meting​ en krijg zekerheid!

Natuurlijk wilt u een aantoonbaar resultaat. Daarom maken wij gebruik van 3M’s Clean-Trace System om de werking van Allpure te meten. Dit systeem meet adenosinetrifosfaat, waarmee organische verontreiniging (of het ontbreken ervan) feilloos aan te tonen is.

Every test is entered into a database. Trend analysis demonstrates directly how often a treatment is needed at certain locations. This means we can customize a treatment plan for every customer and every situation.

Workstations that have been treated with Allpure are 99,99% free of pathogens.

After treatment, your place of business is 30 days clear of any hygienic hazards, guaranteed. The system and cleaning agents are ecological, absolutely safe for man and animal, and 100% non-toxic. 

Daarom zorgt Blijfvirusvrij met haar gepatenteerde ontsmettingssysteem Allpure voor een veilige werkomgeving. Werkplekken die met Allpure zijn behandeld zijn 99,99% vrij van ziekmakende organismen. Na behandeling zijn al uw werkplekken 30 dagen gegarandeerd hygiënisch schoon. Milieuvriendelijk, absoluut veilig voor mens en dier, en 100% vrij van giftige stoffen.

Can we help you? Neem Contact us met ons op.

Why is periodic decontamination so important?

Most infections are spread through frequently touched surfaces. To avoid these, thorough cleaning and disinfection is an absolute necessity. Allpure lowers absenteeism and highly improves air quality. Allergic reactions, common colds, a runny nose, watery eyes, infections, or shortness of breath, all take away from the joy of work, efficiency, and health perception in general. Through regular treatment your business process integrity and reliability will improve considerably, because a safer and less stressful work environment lowers absenteeism. The problem is that normal cleaning does not stop recontamination. Allpure is just the opposite, it remains active, and that makes all the difference.

Allergische reacties, verkoudheid, loopneus, tranende ogen, infecties of benauwdheid gaan allemaal ten koste van werkplezier, efficiency, en de gezondheid. Uw bedrijfszekerheid stijgt meetbaar doordat een veiliger en schonere werkomgeving het ziekteverzuim verminderd. Denk ook aan de verlaagde stresslevels.

Het probleem is dat gewone reiniging herbesmetting niet tegengaat. Allpure doet dat wel en blijft actief.

Vrij van giftige stoffen


How does the Allpure system work?

Our specialized teams treat your office space, lab, shop, storage room, vehicles, or any other space with a microscopic fog that covers all points of contact, completely. The fog is ionised and will stick to any and all objects. It also improves the air quality by removing floating pathogenic particles. After 10 to 30 minutes, your workplace can be used again and is protected against (re)contamination for 30 days. The Allpure fog is water based and will not leave any residue. We can do the treatments outside office hours so your business process will not be affected.

Na 10 tot 30 minuten kan de werkplek weer gebruikt worden en is dan minimaal 30 dagen beschermd tegen (her)besmetting. Allpure is een op water gebaseerd product en laat geen residu achter.

De behandeling kan plaatsvinden buiten kantooruren zodat er geen verstoring van het arbeidsproces plaatsvindt.

Your workspaces safe for employees and visitors?

Then choose the specialist treatment of Blijfvirusvrij
met gepatenteerde middelen voor een gegarandeerd resultaat.

Project calm and confidence in your place of business

All treated workspaces are fully protected and so are your employees, and their families. This is how you make sure that the office floors and other spaces are an oasis of peace; your employees will see you care for them. To make sure this is communicated properly we will provide you with certificates, stickers and banners that you can use at will.

U kunt dit aantonen door onze keurmerken van 3M ATP stickers, en banners te gebruiken in uw communicatie.

Guaranteed functionality

Na behandeling is de werking 30 tot 90 dagen gegarandeerd, dit hangt af van de gebruiksintensiteit van de ruimte. 

Met regelmaat herbehandelen zorgt voor de maximale bescherming. Blijfvirusvrij biedt aantrekkelijk geprijsde abonnementen voor maandelijkse behandeling.

Objects with high traffic such as light switches, keyboards, and handrails will have to be treated every 30 days. Objects with lower intensity of use need only a 90 days frequency.

Visible results, customized treatments

Of course, you want visible results. That is why we use 3M's Clean-Trace System to measure Allpure's effectiveness. The 3M system measures adenosine tri phosphate, with which organic contamination (or the absence of it) is detected unfailingly.

Every test is entered into a database. Trend analysis demonstrates directly how often a treatment is needed at certain locations. This means we can customize a treatment plan for every customer and every situation.

Wij delen de ‘voor’ en ‘na’ resultaten per email met u.

Blijfvirusvrij BV, lit. 'Stay free of viruses', based in the Netherlands, specializes in extreme cleaning and decontamination of large organizations. Blijfvirusvrij is European importer and distributor of the patented fogging system for long-term decontaminations. In the European Union the service and products are marketed under the Allpure brand name.

Consider your clients, patients and passengers too!

If you are running a transportation business, a chain of shops, or healthcare facilities, you are responsible for the safety of passengers, customers and patients. Blijfvirusvrij can help you make sure you live up to health and safety standards, and more. We clean and decontaminate treatment rooms, vehicles, shop floors, elevators, and/or any space people use. We work with the latest and greatest equipment, agents and testing tools and provides evidence-based planning.

Request a quote:


Allpure kills germs and pathogens like viruses, bacteria, moulds, and other contaminating organism with an environmentally friendly and non-toxic process. It also removes small particles from the air, improving air purity.

That depends on the size of the spaces that need cleaning and the size of the Blijfvirusvrij team. To give an indication: 1 specialist can clean 20 workspaces in one hour.

Because of the corona crisis (Covid-19) our waiting list has grown considerably. Please check with us about possibilities as the situation changes daily. We may be able to fit you in at an earlier date.

The patented agent is an environmentally safe herbal extract and silver ions combination, dissolved in water.

Het middel is geheel onschadelijk voor metaal, rubber of kunststoffen.

Bij normale belasting van de werkomgeving is 30 dagen werking gegarandeerd (bijvoorbeeld een kantooromgeving). Bij gemiddelde belasting zoals in het geval van doorgangen is 60 dagen de norm. Bij intensieve belasting zoals openbaar vervoer, liften en trappen en deuren, is 30 dagen nog steeds gegarandeerd maar wordt een reinigingsfrequentie van 14 dagen aanbevolen.

No. Allpure is a water-based product and leaves no residue.

Except for the (invisible) effect of improved security and lower health risk, nothing. The fog does not leave any residue, is not sticky, does not smell. It is recommended to communicate to your workers that Blijfvirusvrij is engaged so they know that you're thinking of their wellbeing. We will supply you with the communication tools needed such as stickers and certificates.

Please apply for a free quotation using the form.

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